Friday, July 27, 2012

Week 5: Pre-game Post: The Cereal Bowl

It's the battle of the cereal - Fantuz flakes versus Getzlaf's triple berry waggle cereal.

This game has been one I have been dreading since the day Andy Fantuz signed with the Hamilton Tiger Cats as a free agent in the off season.

I've tried not to be bitter. The guy just wanted to play close to home. Who can fault a person for that? But it's hard to swallow, isn't it? Even after all this time. Even with all the reports of how much money he got for leaving. It's stings a bit, okay?

But, there's part of me that has to admit, Fantuz didn't do much of anything last year. Remember last year? The year he went to the Chicago Bears to try his cleats in the NFL. His results weren't great and he was quickly sent packing. But he took his sweet time coming back didn't he? And when he was here he looked like he'd much rather be anywhere else but. Then he was injured the final nails were driven into the coffin of the season of misery.

His major contribution was the effect he had on the opposition as defenses were double and triple teaming him, allowing Dressler and Getz to get open for a few good snags.

So will the fans at Mosaic applaud Andy the Great? Or will it be full on derision like we heap on Smilin' Hank Burris?

Personally, I think Andy will be treated like any other opposition player, but I doubt there will ever be an end to the scorn we dish upon Henry. Say it with me, "HENREEEEEEEEEE!" He loves it, I'm sure.

So after last week's last minute stumble what should we look for at the Cereal Bowl?

Well, this is a far different team than we faced in week one. In that contest we thumped them 43-16. This time the Riders are facing a much improved team. Burris and Fantuz are in sync. So the key thing is to get in Henry's head. The 13th man will have that covered, but our defense will have to shut him down early. Sack him, cut off his avenues of escape and he'll get frazzled. He doesn't cope well with being frazzled.

Watch Fantuz. I'm sure this has been drilled into the heads of every player this week, but it's true. We need to watch where the great #83 is at all time. He'll be a favourite target of Burris' all day long. So keep him busy dodging bodies.

Another dude our D-line has to be all over is Chevon Walker. There aren't too many guys int he league that make me cringe when they get the ball, but Chevy grabs it and you know the defense is in trouble. He's lightning fast and tough to bring down. So stuff him early.

Odell Willis (11) should be back to full strength so hopefully we'll see him back to his normal annoying self. Opposition teams must hate him. I love it!

On our side of the ball, I expect Kory Sheets to be in the endzone. Often. Which is good. Love watching him. (And due to a lovely gift, I'll be watching him live in the stands. Can you say road trip?)

Jock Sanders will be backing Dressler in slotback, as well as back up kick returner. This little guy really impressed me last week, so I'm hoping to see him get some game time.

T-Jack is back on as cornerback and also kick returning. Think he can repeat the epic return he had a couple of weeks ago in the home opener?

I'm expecting someone to have a break out game. It's time, isn't it? For just a dominating, stellar, jaw-dropping performance. Who will it be? We all know Dressler has the ability to rack up the stats. What about Getz? Chris Getzlaf can be a bit of dark horse, running under the radar. Could this be a statement game for him? What about the new guy Terrence Jeffers-Harris? Is he up to speed enough to show off his stuff? Or Jordan Sisco - the local kid? Can he bring the crowd at Taylor Field to their feet?

I don't know. But I do know, it's time for a spectacular game. It's time for Darian (4) to bring his A-game, the defense to stuff them and the offense to light it up. In short, to beat the kitties we're gonna have to firing on all cylinders for all 60 minutes of the game. This is no time for the offense to let up or the defense to get soft. We're going to need all 42 guys for this battle. And I have no doubt everyone will be onboard, ready to atone for last week's debacle.

Two strong teams are going to be hitting Mosaic tomorrow. Hamilton comes to Regina, second in the east with a record of 2-2. The Riders are at 3-1 sitting atop the west (thanks in part to Winnipeg's weird victory in Thursday's CFL action). Both teams will be looking to strengthen their positions. As I said, only one can come out on top!

I predict a tough battle with Riders pulling out a win in the dying minutes of the game. (I'm dramatic that way!)

Cheer long. Cheer loud! Go GREEN!

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