Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Week 5: post-game post

My apologies for not getting this up as quickly as I would like. I was visiting my mother-in-law and she doesn't have wifi. It's weird to go there - no wifi, no internet, no computer. It's like visiting the 1980's.


The Riders had another colossal breakdown. Having a week where the losing it's focus and blows a double digit point lead going into the fourth quarter happens. It's football.

Having it happen two weeks in a row and Houston, we have a problem.

I don't know what that problem is. Thankfully, I'm the not the one paid to figure it out. Though, I have to admit Corey Chamblin sounded after the game like he didn't know either.

I'll cut him slack. He's a rookie head coach with a mostly rookie coaching staff under him and a slew of new players.

It seems like the whole team comes apart in the final minutes of the game. It's the play calling, the defense, the offense, the receivers dropping balls, Chris Milo kicking foul balls. It's everything. Just like last week there isn't any ONE in particular to blame. It was a fantastic wall-to-wall collapse.

So I have to ask... was the wave to blame?

You read that right. Just before Durant turned over the ball the entire capacity crowd at Mosaic had started the wave. It had gained steam and circled the entire field. It was incredible! Until Durant fumbled and then next thing we know Hamilton's mounted a comeback and the Cereal Bowl's gone soggy.

So as fans let's make sure we never do the wave again. Mmm, k?

Highlights for me, as we fried in the stands on the sunny side of the field, we got to yell "Henreeeeeee!" with half of Mosaic stadium. Check that off my bucket list!

I also want to say Taj Smith's touchdown was electric at the game. I hope they keep him in there. We need some more targets for Durant. It appears Getzlaf has a case of the drops. He really needs to get that sorted out. Durant needs solid, dependable receivers and Dressler can't do it all by himself.

So boo-yah to Taj Smith. Glad to see this receiver make an impact.

Jock Sanders is a whiz-bang fun at the game. I loved watching him set up perfect field position. It's so great to start our offense on the 50 yard line rather than the two. It's a matter of time before the kid breaks it down the field for 7 points.

The Riders are off now until they hit Edmonton August 10. This should give the guys a chance to recover. There are several nursing injuries. In fact, when Tristan Jackson left the game in the first quarter with a banged up knee we were without three of our starting defensive backs. Hopefully, some of those guys can get rested up, because we need them.

For now we're a respectable 3-2. Tied for first place in the west. Nothing wrong with that. We all knew this year was going to be a re-building year. So there are going to be some growing pains. Don't believe the sky is falling yet. The coaches will figure it out. We'll come back stronger than ever and kick the Evil Empire's butt at Commonwealth next week.

The good news is... (and yes really was good news)... we've got a team that is exciting to watch. And a team that comes out solid every week. Can you remember last year? Man, our team looked like they didn't even know how to play football. At least this year we are competitive, not to mention entertaining. Which means football in Riderville is once again exciting.

I'll check in later in the week with some injury updates and a bit of a CFL round up. Not much going on with half the league off for the week.

Cheer long. Cheer loud! Go GREEN!

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