Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Labour Day Classic vs Life

I'll write a more elaborate pre-game blog post later, but thought I would give my little green friends a heads up: I won't be watching the Labour Day Classic this year.


As it would happen, life gets in the way of some of our favourite things - even football.

This year I have planned a quick romantic getaway with Mr. SaskRidersChick this long weekend. Now I was fully aware when I made the plans that it would most likely mean having to miss watching the game. Sadly, at the time I did not anticipate just how important this game would be.

I'd wager this game has more importance than the home opener, or even a play off game should we make it that far.

This is a statement game. Statement games are huge. Statement games are bigger than the two teams involved. Statement games sometimes don't come with trophies or division titles on the line, but they do have big consequences. Statement games send a message.

Well, this is our statement game. The whole team has to step up. The entire league is watching. Football fans from coast to coast are wanting to see this re-jiggered team with it's old/new coach. And all of Rider Nation will be sitting on pins and needles. (Except yours truly who will be climbing up a mountain somewhere in the Rockies...) Everyone will be holding their breath, as the players exit the tunnel... and are reborn as Roughriders 2011 version 2.0!

As crazy and cliche as it sounds I don't think anyone could overstate the importance of this game. And it wouldn't matter if we were playing Hamilton or Calgary or even the pathetic Lions this year... but as it happens this is the yearly contest with our prairie rivals - The Blue Bombers or as I like to call them the Boo Bombers.

But as it happens the Boo Bombers are having an amazing season with a record of 7-1. The best in the league facing the worst.

So this LDC has extra significance. Extra pressure. You'll feel it in the stadium. You'll taste it in the air at home. You'll see it in the faces of every Rider player, coach and fan. It'll feel like the air is going to pop around you. Like snapping your fingers will spark fire.

I've said since the moment Greg Marshall was fired that our season just started. And I mean it.

No matter what happens from here on out, it's a new season, a new measuring stick, a new beginning. What happened in the last seven games is ancient history. What happens in the next 13 games is what will make 2011 memorable. Papa Miller said it. And I believe it.

So... as I will leave one half of my heart in Saskatchewan as I head to the mountains for some much needed R and R, please yell extra loud. Make the stands rumble. Make Winnipeg quake, k? And make sure the whole league knows what truly awesome and amazing fans the Roughriders have.

And above all...

Cheer long. Cheer loud. GO GREEN! (all the way, baby, all the way...!)

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